
base classes — bpy_struct, ID

class bpy.types.Armature(ID)

Armature data-block containing a hierarchy of bones, usually used for rigging characters


Animation data for this data-block

Type:AnimData, (readonly)
Type:ArmatureBones bpy_prop_collection of Bone, (readonly)

Vertex Deformer Method (Game Engine only)

  • BLENDER Blender, Use Blender’s armature vertex deformation.
  • BGE_CPU BGE, Use vertex deformation code optimized for the BGE.
Type:enum in [‘BLENDER’, ‘BGE_CPU’], default ‘BLENDER’
  • OCTAHEDRAL Octahedral, Display bones as octahedral shape (default).
  • STICK Stick, Display bones as simple 2D lines with dots.
  • BBONE B-Bone, Display bones as boxes, showing subdivision and B-Splines.
  • ENVELOPE Envelope, Display bones as extruded spheres, showing deformation influence volume.
  • WIRE Wire, Display bones as thin wires, showing subdivision and B-Splines.
Type:enum in [‘OCTAHEDRAL’, ‘STICK’, ‘BBONE’, ‘ENVELOPE’, ‘WIRE’], default ‘OCTAHEDRAL’
Type:ArmatureEditBones bpy_prop_collection of EditBone, (readonly)

End frame of range of Ghosts to display (not for ‘Around Current Frame’ Onion-skinning method)

Type:int in [-inf, inf], default 0

Starting frame of range of Ghosts to display (not for ‘Around Current Frame’ Onion-skinning method)

Type:int in [-inf, inf], default 0

Frame step for Ghosts (not for ‘On Keyframes’ Onion-skinning method)

Type:int in [1, 20], default 0

Number of frame steps on either side of current frame to show as ghosts (only for ‘Around Current Frame’ Onion-skinning method)

Type:int in [0, 30], default 0

Method of Onion-skinning for active Action

  • CURRENT_FRAME Around Frame, Display Ghosts of poses within a fixed number of frames around the current frame.
  • RANGE In Range, Display Ghosts of poses within specified range.
  • KEYS On Keyframes, Display Ghosts of poses on Keyframes.
Type:enum in [‘CURRENT_FRAME’, ‘RANGE’, ‘KEYS’], default ‘CURRENT_FRAME’

True when used in editmode

Type:boolean, default False, (readonly)

Armature layer visibility

Type:boolean array of 32 items, default (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)

Protected layers in Proxy Instances are restored to Proxy settings on file reload and undo

Type:boolean array of 32 items, default (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)

Show armature in binding pose or final posed state

  • POSE Pose Position, Show armature in posed state.
  • REST Rest Position, Show Armature in binding pose state (no posing possible).
Type:enum in [‘POSE’, ‘REST’], default ‘POSE’

Draw bone axes

Type:boolean, default False

Draw bones with their custom shapes

Type:boolean, default False

Draw bone group colors

Type:boolean, default False

Draw bone names

Type:boolean, default False
Type:boolean, default False

Add temporary IK constraints while grabbing bones in Pose Mode

Type:boolean, default False

Don’t deform children when manipulating bones in Pose Mode

Type:boolean, default False

Apply changes to matching bone on opposite side of X-Axis

Type:boolean, default False

Transform armature bones by a matrix

Parameters:matrix (float multi-dimensional array of 4 * 4 items in [-inf, inf]) – Matrix
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The RNA type or default when not found.
Return type:bpy.types.Struct subclass
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The class or default when not found.
Return type:type

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions
