
base classes — bpy_struct, Modifier

class bpy.types.TriangulateModifier(Modifier)

Triangulate Mesh


Method for splitting the polygons into triangles

  • BEAUTY Beauty, Arrange the new triangles evenly (slow).
  • CLIP Clip, Split the polygons with an ear clipping algorithm.
Type:enum in [‘BEAUTY’, ‘CLIP’], default ‘BEAUTY’

Method for splitting the quads into triangles

  • BEAUTY Beauty , Split the quads in nice triangles, slower method.
  • FIXED Fixed, Split the quads on the first and third vertices.
  • FIXED_ALTERNATE Fixed Alternate, Split the quads on the 2nd and 4th vertices.
  • SHORTEST_DIAGONAL Shortest Diagonal, Split the quads based on the distance between the vertices.
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The RNA type or default when not found.
Return type:bpy.types.Struct subclass
classmethod bl_rna_get_subclass_py(id, default=None)
Parameters:id (string) – The RNA type identifier.
Returns:The class or default when not found.
Return type:type

Inherited Properties

Inherited Functions